Centres Científics i Tecnològics UB

Electron cryomicroscopy

  • Sample preparation techniques:
    • Sample fixation and embedding at room temperature: conventional technique
    • Cryofixation: high pressure, impact, propane or ethane immersion
    • Cryosubstitution and cryoembedding
    • Cryofracture, freeze-drying and deep etching
    • Ultramicrotomy: semithin and ultrathin, all types of resins
    • Cryosectioning: cryopreparation and cryoslicing
    • Vitreous cryosectioning
  • Staining and labelling techniques:
    • Negative and contrast staining
    • Immunolabelling
    • In situ hybridization
    • Autoradiography
  • Observation and analysis techniques:
    • Ambient temperature transmission electron microscopy (100 kV-120 kV)
    • Electron cryomicroscopy (200 kV FEG)
    • Electron tomography and cryotomography (+70º/-70º single axis)
    • Three-dimensional reconstruction
  • Optical microscopy techniques:
    • Paraffin embedding
    • Paraffin microtomy
    • In situ hybridization
    • In situ PCR
  • Conventional ultrastructure studies of simple cells and tissues
  • Conventional ultrastructure studies of isolated particles, isolated organelles or small organisms
  • High ultrastructural preservation of cells, tissues, particle samples and small organisms by means of slicing; various degrees of preservation and visualization
  • Study of the organization of intramembrane particles
  • Topographic and/or interior nanometric characterization of lipo/lipoprotein compounds, proteins, proteins assemblies, membranes and biomaterials
  • Three-dimensional reconstruction of isolated or particle structures
  • In situ three-dimensional reconstruction of structures (macromolecules, nanomachines and subcellular bodies) in cell interiors
  • Molecular recognition or in situ localization at the subcellular level of proteins, nucleic acids and other macromolecules
  • Quantitative studies of measurements or labelling on the nanometric scale
  • Basic preparation for transmission optical microscopy
  • 3D study of the structure of proteins and macromolecular complexes
  • 3D study of cell structures
  • Characterization of liposomes, micelles, bicelles and other lipoprotein particles; effect of surfactants; interaction of surfactants with biological material as vehicles for drug delivery
  • Study of nanoparticles with peptides, proteins, etc. and their possible entry into tumour cells or through the skin, mucous membranes, haemato-encephalitic barrier, etc.
  • Study of functionalized cells or biomolecules on nanostructured substrates
  • 3D studies of proteins of pharmacological interest as drug targets
  • Characterization of peptide hydrogels
  • Ultrastructural study of biological disease models, for example, the malaria parasite infecting the red blood cell or structural changes in tumour cells
  • Study of ultrastructural changes in cells caused by drug trials or genetic modifications of different types

Surname Name Location Phone number Email
DELGADO VALDERRAMA (*) LIDIA Edifici Clúster (PCB) C/ Baldiri Reixac, 10 934034860 ldelgado@ccit.ub.edu
MUELA CASTRO MARIA YOLANDA Edifici Clúster (PCB) C/ Baldiri Reixac, 10 934034860 yolanda@ccit.ub.edu
PÉREZ PÉREZ PAULA Edifici Clúster (PCB) C/ Baldiri Reixac, 10 934034860 paulaperez@ccit.ub.edu

      (*) for more information

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