Centres Científics i Tecnològics UB



CCiTUB participate at the 12th Festival de la Ciència

Next weekend the CCiTUB will participate in the '12º Festival de la Ciencia' that will held in the 'Parc de la Ciutadella', in Barcelona.

In the festival, that every year implies more than a hundred of research centres, universities, business, associations and divulgation experts, ther will bee more than 230 activities from Saturday 9 to Sunday 10. This edition includes proposals oriented to infants up to six years old, older children, and young and adult public. Workshops, talks, debates and, in general, activities to ease the direct interaction with science will be done. A high participation of the public is expected and because of this, activities offer is extended as well, it extends in time and it is oriented to an audience wider than ever.

Dr. Jordi Diaz (1) as responsible of the workshops, Mr. Josep Manel Reblet (2) and Mr. Joan Mendoza (3), will participate with talks and debates about the scientific divulgator and physicist Richard Feynman, the year that commemorates the 30th anniversary of his death. Moreover, activities of divulgation and education that are done in the CCiTUB, for example, NanoEduca project, will be explained. This year, the talks will be oriented to young people more than 15 years old and adults.

On the occasion of the celebration of the Festival, ARA newspaper, in its digital version, has made a video [+] where Dr Jordi Díaz shows, in a comprehensible way, everything that nanotechnology can make for us in our day to day.

The Barcelona Ciència program

The festival will held from the 'Barcelona Ciència' program , an initiative of the Ajuntament de Barcelona to promote the scientific knowledge and involve the citizens in its progress. Everybody is invited to participate in the approach, the processes and the results of the scientific research under criteria like the ethics, the transparency and the equality or the open access to knowledge.

(1) Nanometrics Unit
(2) Electronic microscopy (TEM/SEM)
(3) TEM applied to materials