Centres Científics i Tecnològics UB

Electronic microscopy (TEM/SEM)

  • Transmission electron microscopy (TEM)
    • Chemical fixation methods for biological samples
    • Dehydration techniques
    • Different embedding techniques
    • Ultramicrotomy techniques
    • Negative staining techniques for suspensions
  • Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
    • Chemical fixation methods for biological samples
    • Dehydration techniques
    • Critical point drying of samples and other chemical agents (HMDS)
    • Different types of assembly according to sample type
  • Optical microscopy
    • Semithin sections (0.5 – 3 µm) and specific stains
  • Molecular localization techniques
    • Immunolocalization techniques (markers: nanogold, gold, quantum dots, silver etc.)
    • Lectin techniques (localization of sugar residues)
    • Glycogen localization
  • Correlative techniques (CLEM)
    • Observation of the same sample with electronic and optical microscopes
  • Transmission electron microscopy (TEM)
    • Ultrastructural, tissue, cellular and molecular studies
    • Studies of bacterial, viral, bacteriophagic and nitrogen suspensions, etc.
    • Ultrastructural studies of isolated cell organelles, mitochondrial pellets and chloroplasts
    • Whole-mount studies of cells and bacteria, etc.
    • Molecular localization and co-localization of proteins, glucidic residues, etc.
    • Cytochemical studies (Enzyme activity, digestion, etc.)
    • CLEM studies of different types of samples
  • Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
    • Microstructural analysis of cell cultures, tissues and organs with 3-D imaging
    • Study of cell suspensions
    • Surface studies: bone, teeth, corneas skin, etc.
    • Study of biofilms and their formation on different surfaces
    • Morphological studies of small organisms and microorganisms
    • Molecular localization.
    • Study of biomaterials, implants, etc.
    • Study, analysis and evaluation of images obtained
    • 3D reconstructions with Array Tomography
  • Optic microscopy
    • Optical studies on semi-fine sections of samples included in resin.
  • Study of cell cultures and tissues
  • Study of fungal pathogens on plants
  • Study of the incorporation of markers inside cells
  • Study of human spermatozoa
  • Studies of biofilms on water filters and cultures, tracheal tubes, historic moments, etc.
  • Surface studies: prostheses removed from patients, presence of sperm on tissue
  • TEM localization of nanogold in different tissues absorbed via inhalation in live rats
  • Study of nanogold in textiles
  • Study of bacteriophagic contamination in the bacterial production of lactose
  • Study of protein aggregation in Alzheimer patients
  • Clinical biopsy processing

Surname Name Location Phone number Email
BELLIDO ESPAÑOL DAVID Fac. Medicina C/ Casanova, 143 934034407 bellido@ccit.ub.edu
PRATS MIRALLES (*) EVA Fac. Medicina C/ Casanova, 143 934034407 evaprats@ccit.ub.edu
RIVERA DURAN ROSA Fac. Medicina C/ Casanova, 143 934034407 rosarivera@ccit.ub.edu

      (*) for more information

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