Centres Científics i Tecnològics UB

SPM nanobioscience techniques (AFM, STM)

  • Scanning probe microscopy (AFM, LFM, MFM, EFM, C-AFM, TUNA)
  • Force spectroscopy (nanomechanical properties)
  • Topographic analysis with atomic resolution
  • Measurement of nanomechanical properties
  • Measurement of physical properties: conductivity (C-AFM/TUNA), magnetic domains (MFM) and surface charges (EFM)
  • Measurement of compositional contrast: measurement of quantitative phase and friction (LFM)
  • Measurements with advanced optical microscopy (confocal, interferometry, optical)
  • Measurement of surface roughness on a sub-nanometric scale
  • Analysis of metallic, polymeric, ceramic, and composite samples at the nano level.
  • Training courses for users
  • Scientific study of biological samples
  • Surface topography of materials.
  • 3D topography of implants.
  • Analysis of mechanical properties of cosmetic products.
  • Measurement of compositional contrast.
  • Measurement of physical properties (electric, magnetism).
  • Measurement of thickness of thin conductive or ferromagnetic layers (Electronics / Spintronics).
  • Surface texture on optical surfaces (Optics).
  • Wear of mechanical pieces. Bearings, friction pieces, ...... (Mechanical).
  • Analysis of the surface finish of machined pieces or electropolished materials (Tribology).
  • Surface solid texture for food or cosmetic applications (Industry Formulation ).
  • Surface degradation of biocompatible materials (Bio).
  • Topopgraphy of biological materials (teeth, bones, skin, ....).
  • Applications of 3D roughness parameters (Tribology, odontology, implantology, chemistry, optics, ...).
  • Nanomechanical properties Studies(adhesion, etc.) with humidity control.
  • Study of physical and morphological proporties for nanosafety applications.

Surname Name Location Phone number Email
DIAZ MARCOS (*) JORDI CCiTUB - C/ Lluis Solé i Sabarís, 1-3 934020593/
VILLUENDAS LATORRE ARANZAZU CCiTUB - C/ Lluis Solé i Sabarís, 1-3 934020593/

      (*) for more information

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