Centres Científics i Tecnològics UB


  • Conventional and spectral flow cytometry
  • Mass cytometry
  • Cell purification (“sorting”)
  • Soluble antigen detection (Luminex technology ©)
  • Purification of cell populations: cloning, sorting of transfectants through flow cytometry (FACS) or magnetic separation (MACS).
  • Immunophenotyping of cell populations.
  • Studies of cell viability and proliferation; high-throughput cell screening.
  • Analysis of the cell cycle and ploidy variations.
  • Cell function: measurements of second messengers, free-radical production, enzymatic kinetics.
  • Plate immunoassays on microparticles.
  • Detection and counting of microorganism populations.
  • Purification of tumor stem cells.
  • Cloning and purification of cells on 96-well plates; hybridoma sorting.
  • Monitoring of blood populations undergoing ex vivo pharmacological treatment.
  • Detection of toxicity and apoptosis; drug screening using cell lines.
  • Detection of soluble cytokines in serum.
  • Detection and counting of micro-organism populations in water (sea water, water from purification plants, industrial waste water, etc.).
  • High-complexity immunophenotyping panels: more than 40 simultaneous labels per sample.

Surname Name Location Phone number Email
Edifici Clúster (PCB) C/ Baldiri Reixac, 10
ALVAREZ ARPAL RICARDO Edifici Clúster (PCB) 934034654 ricard@ccit.ub.edu
COMAS RIU (*) JAUME F. Edifici Clúster (PCB) 934034654 jcomas@ccit.ub.edu
GONZALEZ FLORES Mª DEL ROSARIO Edifici Clúster (PCB) 934034654 chary@ccit.ub.edu
RUIZ GOMEZ SONIA Edifici Clúster (PCB) 934034654 sonia@ccit.ub.edu
Bellvitge C/ Feixa Llarga s/n
BARROSO INDIANO BEATRIZ Bellvitge 934034863 bbarroso@ccit.ub.edu
CASTAÑO BOLDU (*) ESTHER Bellvitge 934034863 ecastano@ccit.ub.edu
TORREJON ESCRIBANO BENJAMIN Bellvitge 934034863 torrejonbenja@ccit.ub.edu

      (*) For more information

      Practical information for use of cytometry lab CCiTUB placed at PCB. arxiu adjunt

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