Centres Científics i Tecnològics UB

Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)


  • NMR spectroscopy (400-800 MHz) to study samples in solution and observe active nuclei (1H, 13C, 19F, 31P, 113Cd, 195Pt, 29Si, 15N, etc.).

Range of services

  • Structural determination of organic and inorganic compounds (small-medium molecular weight).
  • One- and two-dimensional experiments (COSY, DQF, COSY, TOCSY, HSQC, HMBC, NOESY). Difussion experiments DOSY.
  • Combined experiments such as HMQC-TOCSY and other heteronuclear experiments.
  • Analysis of complex structures (natural products, compounds of biological interest) Multi-dimensional experiments for structural determination in proteins.
  • Combined use of 1H, 13C and 15N for the study of complex molecules such as proteins through 2 and 3D inverse detection experiments.
  • Implementation of new sequences and methods; methodological development and application.
  • Control of synthesis processes and/or purification of organic compounds Determination of impurities and minority components; quantitative analyses.
  • Process monitoring, kinetic monitoring; variable temperature experiments.
  • Determination of interactions between proteins and low-molecular weight compounds.
  • Work conducted in accordance with standardized procedures (SOP) for the analysis of APIs (USP, European Pharmacopoeia and ASTM standards). DOSY diffusion experiments.
  • Identification of compounds, spectral assignment, reports and evaluations.

Examples of application

  • NMR spectral assignment for the identification of structures.
  • Heparin analysis (in compliance with FDA-USP and European and Japanese Pharmacopoeia standards).
  • Poloxamer analysis (according to EP, USP procedure).
  • PGLA polymer analysis (in accordance with ASTM standards).
  • Identification analysis for compliance with REACH standard.
  • Study of metabolites resulting from the application of an active ingredient (whether directly or through a prior HPLC system treatment).
  • Quantitative analysis through the use of internal patterns.
  • Determination of the degree of deuteration.
  • Application of NMR in the analysis of food products (oils, dairy, juices, additives, etc.).
  • Consulting and training for the optimization of the use of existing NMR instrumentation at private centers.

RMN image sample RMN image sample RMN image sample


Cognoms Nom Ubicació Telèfon Email
CARDENAS LOPEZ FRANCISCO (*) Fac. Química C/ Martí i Franquès, 1 934021324/
GAIRI TAHULL MARGARIDA Edifici Clúster (PCB) C/ Baldiri Reixac, 10 934034466 marga@ccit.ub.edu
GALLEN ORTIZ ALBERT Fac. Farmàcia Av.Joan XXIII s/n 934021891 agallen@ccit.ub.edu
GONZALEZ GONZALEZ MAITE Fac. Química C/ Martí i Franquès, 1 934021324/
MERIEL MARCO VÍCTOR Fac. Química C/ Martí i Franquès, 1 934021324 vmeriel@ccit.ub.edu
MOLINS MONTSERRAT Mª ANTONIA Edifici Clúster (PCB) C/ Baldiri Reixac, 10 934021324 molins@ccit.ub.edu
MUÑOZ-TORRERO LOPEZ-IBARRA VICTORIA Edifici Clúster (PCB) C/ Baldiri Reixac, 10 934034466 vmunoztorrero@ccit.ub.edu
NIETO FERNANDEZ OSCAR Edifici Clúster (PCB) C/ Baldiri Reixac, 10 934034466 oscarnieto@ccit.ub.edu
PUIG MIELGO DANIEL Fac. Química C/ Martí i Franquès, 1 934021324 danielpuig@ccit.ub.edu

(*) per a més informació

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