Centres Científics i Tecnològics UB



"Upgrade in the field of biotechnology for job training's professorate".

On Thursday, February 20th, at 9 a.m. will begin the “III Jornadas de Formación del Profesorado ” within the cycle of update in the field of biotechnology for professorhip of “formación profesional” . The opening will be held at "Sala de Actos del Palau de les Heures" .

The opening ceremony wil be attended by Dr. Manel Barranco which CCiTUB want to thank and recognize the trust he has always had in the Scientific and Technological Centers through which valuable collaborations as this one have been conducted from last years.

February 20th conferences will be held at the “Sala de actos del Palau les Heures”, at Mundet campus, and February 25th and March 4th ones in the CCiTUB building (C/ Lluís Solé i Sabarís 1-3, first floor)

Conferences by experts from the CCiTUB:

February 20th

9.30h: "Un tomb per la Nanotecnologia. Conceptes Bàsics", by Dr. Jordi Díaz from the SPM nanobioscience techniques Technology.
11.30h: "Un tomb per la Nanotecnologia. Aplicacions", by Dr. Gerard Oncins from the SPM nanobioscience techniques Technology.

February 25th

9.30h: "Microscopia de Transmissió", by Dra. Sonia Estradé from TEM applied to materials Technology.

March 4th

9.30h: "L’espectroscòpia del segle XXI: IR i Raman i les seves aplicacions", by Dr. Tariq Jawhari from the Raman Spectroscopy Technology.
11.30h: CCiTUB site visit, specifically to SPM nanobioscience techniques, TEM applied to materials and Raman Spectroscopy Technologies.