Centres Científics i Tecnològics UB



The Raman and SEM-EDS techniques of the CCiTUB allow the characterisation of vertically oriented graphene nano-walls on stainless steels

The CCiTUBs have participated in a study that has analysed graphene nano-walls, known as graphene flakes, that have grown vertically on stainless steel at different temperatures. The Raman spectroscopy and SEM-EDS techniques have been used to determine the morphology and microstructure of these vertical nano-walls at various growth temperatures.

The study is the result of the collaboration of PhD. Tariq Jawhari, technical responsible of the Raman spectroscopy laboratory of the CCiTUB, with the Dept. of Applied Physics of the University of Barcelona and the ICMAB.

The article published in Applied Surface Science is entitled "Temperature-modulated synthesis of vertically oriented atomic bilayer graphene nanowalls grown on stainless steel by inductively coupled plasma chemical vapour deposition".