Centres Científics i Tecnològics UB



The development of the cryo-microscopy, recognised with chemistry Nobel

This year, the Chemistry Nobel prize was recognised by The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences to Jacques Dubochet (Switzerland), Joachim Frank (Germany) and Richard Henderson (United Kingdom) for developing the cryo-microscopy. According to the Nobel Committee, and thanks to the progress made by the winners, “researchers can now freeze biomolecules and visualise processes they have never previously seen, which is decisive for the basic understanding of life’s chemistry and the development of medicines”.

The CCiTUB have a Cryo-Microscopy Unit where the best techniques that this speciality can offer are applied, as a difference to work at room temperature, such as the cryo-immobilization (using Vitrobot/Plunch Freezing or HPF), the cryo-substitution/AFS, the observation in cryogenic conditions or CEMOVIS.

Joan Mendoza (Electronic microscopy TEM-MAT) in Catalunya Ràdio, and Yolanda Muela (Electronic cryo-microscopy) in Ara journal, commented the different aspects of the prize.