Centres Científics i Tecnològics UB

Mechanical, electronic, and vacuum technology

Design and construction of: mechanical prototypes, optical components, special sample racks and pressure chambers
Mechanization with different polymer materials
Modification and repair of equipments and machines
Sample and test-tube preparation for mechanical assays
Technical support and consulting for research, teaching and industrial projects
Design and construction of vacuum chambers, accessories and general components of high and ultra-high vacuums
Detection of leaks in vacuum
Design and construction of control panels (electric, temperature, cycles, etc.)
Oxyacetylene, electric, tungsten inert gas and plasma welding
CAD schematic and diagram preparation
Mechanization of pieces (lathe, milling machine)
Design, construction, reconstruction, replacement and repair of parts and machinery
Maintenance and fine tuning of scientific laboratory equipment
Repair of scientific laboratory equipment (teaching and research)
Design, manufacture, assembly and fine tuning of laboratory electronic prototypes
Design of printed and mechanized circuit boards
Calibration of scientific instrumentation (scales, pH-meters, spectrophotometers, etc.)
Repair of scientific laboratory equipment
Design and construction of mechanical prototypes, optical elements, special sample racks and pressure chambers
Inert-gas projection of conservation vessels containing materials (mummified specimens, etc.)
Study of acoustic material using a compressed air system

Surname Name Location Phone number Email
BADENAS PASCUAL JAVIER Fac. Química C/ Martí i Franquès, 1 934035962 xavib@ccit.ub.edu
PASTOR VIEL (*) JORDI Fac. Química C/ Martí i Franquès, 1 934035962 jpastor@ccit.ub.edu
CORTS TOMAS JOSE LUIS c/ Adolf Florensa, 8 934021326 joseluis@ccit.ub.edu
GONZALEZ BAENA JOSE c/ Adolf Florensa, 8 934021326 baena@ccit.ub.edu
JARQUE FARNOS SERGIO c/ Adolf Florensa, 8 934021326 sergio_jarque@ccit.ub.edu
SANTANA PEREZ XAVIER Fac. Química C/ Martí i Franquès, 1 934021327 javiersantanaperez@ccit.ub.edu
SERRANO PEREZ OSCAR Fac. Química C/ Martí i Franquès, 1 934021327 oscarserrano@ccit.ub.edu

      (*) For more information

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