Centres Científics i Tecnològics UB



New cell sorter

The Cytometry technology of the CCiTUB incorporates a third high-speed cell sorter. The new equipment, a "FacsAria Fusion" from Becton Dickinson, incorporates a biosafety laminar flow cabinet to work under sterility conditions and t provide operator protection. This instrument has a configuration of four excitation lasers (405-488-561 and 640nm) and multiple fluorescence detectors, which provides a great versatility both in analysis and cell purification.

This cell sorter is available to all users of the Scientific and Technological Centers as a result of the agreement between the CCiTUB and the Institute of Biomedical Research of Barcelona (IRBB), as an addition to the two instruments currently available.

Here we can see a picture of the cell sorter:

Highslide JS
Cell sorter