Centres Científics i Tecnològics UB

One day “Cryo in Electron Microscopy” Meeting

Information Date Location


Free access.


May 29th, 2012


Aula Félix Serratosa, Cluster Building PCB
C/ Baldiri Reixac, 10 . Barcelona
mapa Campus Diagonal

14:00 – Welcome by Jordi Alberch (Dean of the University of Barcelona)

14:15 – Kent McDonald (Electron Microscope Lab, University of California, Berkeley)

15:15 – Peter Peters (Cell Biology, Netherlands Cancer Institute & Netherlands Centre of Electron Nanoscopy, NeCEN)

16:30 – Jordi Querol-Audí (Molecular & Cell Biology. University of California, Berkeley). Present address: Structural Virology Group. IBMB-CSIC. Parc Cientific de Barcelona


Centres Científics i Tecnològics
Universitat de Barcelona
Director: Dr. Jose Ramón Seoane Trigo


Dra. Carmen López Iglesias. Electron cryo-microscopy


FEI Company



Summarized information. +info
Promotional poster. +info

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