Centres Científics i Tecnològics UB



New state-of-the-art mass spectrometers at CCiTUB

The CCiTUB has acquired two state-of-the-art mass spectrometers, thanks to the grant EQC2021-007445-P from the 'Fondo Next Generation EU, Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia. Convocatoria de adquisición de equipamiento científico-técnico 2021', with a funding of 1,178,163.77 euros for the ISMOL project (Integrative Solution for Small Molecule Analysis).

The first of these instruments is a mass spectrometer equipped with a quadrupole, a linear ion trap, and a high-resolution orbital ion trap mass analyzer simultaneously. It is a ThermoFisher Scientific, instrument, the Orbitrap IQ-X model, specifically designed for small molecule analysis. The second instrument is a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer with cutting-edge hybrid technology, an SCIEX 7500 QTRAP instrument.

Both instruments are now operational in the HPLC-MS laboratory at CCiTUB, located in space EM01C14 of the Parc Científic de Barcelona, and are open to the entire scientific community.

Instrument Features

The Orbitrap IQ-X mass spectrometer is equipped with a combination of three mass analyzers (quadrupole, linear ion trap, and high-resolution orbital ion trap) that allow multiple analysis modes due to the capability for parallel ion isolation and detection, generating high-quality MSn spectral information that is not offered by its predecessors or QTOF technology. This instrument has been specifically designed to unravel complex chemical structures while providing versatility and an integrated workflow for small molecule analysis.

Thanks to the design of its ionization source and lens system, the 7500 QTRAP mass spectrometer offers 7 times greater sensitivity in peak area compared to its immediate predecessor, along with a 2.5-3 times improvement in signal-to-noise ratio. The instrument has both an ESI (electrospray) and APCI (atmospheric pressure chemical ionization) probe..


Designed specifically for small molecule analysis, the Orbitrap IQ-X mass spectrometer employs technology that significantly enhances the capability to analyze unknown substances. Identifying hundreds or even thousands of small molecules in complex matrices such as human plasma is one of the major challenges faced by scientists.

The high sensitivity of the 7500 QTRAP mass spectrometer allows for the detection of compounds at trace levels in complex matrices without the need for extensive chromatographic gradient optimization or sample cleaning and preconcentration.

The capabilities offered by both instruments have an impact on various application areas:

  • Life sciences research: metabolomics, lipidomics...
  • Clinical research: discovery of biomarkers (metabolites, small molecules...) contributing to the understanding of disease mechanisms, enabling early detection and diagnosis, as well as the development of personalized treatments.
  • Environmental analysis and safety: detection of pesticides, PPCPs (pharmaceuticals and personal care products) in surface, groundwater, or wastewater, agrochemical analysis, exposome study, emerging contaminants...
  • Food safety: analysis of pesticides and antibiotics in food, food authenticity (use of adulterants, fraud in origin designations...), food omics...
  • Identification of drug metabolites (Met-ID) or pharmaceutical product impurities.
  • Extractables and leachables analysis.
  • Forensic analysis: forensic toxicology, doping control, cannabinoid analysis...
  • Pharma and Biopharma: drug discovery, quantitative bioanalysis of therapeutically active compounds, metabolite identification, impurity analysis...
* Images are property of SCIEX and ThermoFisher Scientific.