Centres Científics i Tecnològics UB



"The CCiTUB receive again students of ‘Cicles formatius’ in practices"

The Scientific and Technological Centers of the University of Barcelona participate, once again, in the campaign of receiving students of “Cicles formatius” which is included in the “Estrategia Universidad 2015” project of the Barcelona Knowledge Campus.

In this way, the CCiTUB want to continue with the collaboration that began last February which had a very positive outcome both for CCiTUB and for the 26 participating students.

The stay purpose is intended as a service to society so that students can receive training for 6 months in the current environment of a leader scientific and technological center.

Students assigned to practice may benefit from the CCiTUB multidisciplinarity offered in different fields like Chemistry, Materials, and Biosciences. On October 15th there was a welcome ceremony and presentation of the CCiTUB to the students, which was attended by the Delegate of the Rector for BKC Campus of International Excellence, Dr. Manuel Barranco, the Coordinator of the Education Consortium of Barcelona, Mr. Joan Hidalgo and the Director of CCiTUB, Dr. José Ramón Seoane.