Centres Científics i Tecnològics UB



The CCiTUB coordinates the ISBIN network

The University of Barcelona, through the CCiTUB, coordinates the new Integrated Structural Biology Infrastructure Network (ISBIN), which integrates various large-scale research infrastructures in Spain with the aim of promoting Integrative Structural Biology in Southern Europe.

The project, established in 2023 in the Barcelona area, leverages the physical proximity of various complementary large-scale facilities and currently includes the ICTS "Network of Biomolecular NMR Laboratories (R-LRB)", of which the CCiTUB's NMR laboratory is a node, the Alba synchrotron, and the 200 kV cryo-microscope of the IBMB-CSIC located at the Alba synchrotron facilities.

The main objectives of the ISBIN network are:

• Align complementary structural biology research infrastructures to promote integrative structural biology in Spain.
• Promote the establishment of an Integrative Structural Biology Center in Southern Europe that provides coordinated access to synchrotron beamlines, ultra-high-field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), and electron cryomicroscopy.
• Promote and facilitate user access to existing national large-scale facilities (ICTS).

Open Call

Currently, ISBIN has an open call until March 15 for three interdisciplinary projects in Integrative Structural Biology, funded by project RED2022-13456-I of the Spanish Ministry of Universities, Research, and Innovation (MICIU).

Researchers interested in accessing this call must submit a project justifying the use of at least two of ISBIN's available infrastructures. Once the project is accepted, the researchers will receive funding for travel and accommodation costs, as well as for access to the necessary infrastructures, and will have the technical support of ISBIN facility staff.

The project must be completed by May 31, 2025.

More information can be found at the following link: [+]