Centres Científics i Tecnològics UB



First phase of CSL_ODS project completed

The CSL_ODS project (Core Sustainability Lab: Operación Delta S 2150) is taking shape with the completion of the recordings at different laboratories of the Scientific and Technologic Centers of the University of Barcelona. This marks the end of the first phase of the development of this project, which aims to make visible the contribution of scientific research to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.

As part of this project, filming has been carried out in the TEM, SEM, MOA, Cytometry, Proteomics, ICP and IRMS laboratories, which will allow secondary and high school students to enter our facilities and get to know more closely, and in an interactive way, the major equipment of a research support center. These recordings will be used to create a "Hall Escape" where, through virtual reality and the overcoming of different challenges, students will be able to propose solutions to achieve the SDGs. This project uses STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics) and gamification as a learning process.

The development of this new didactic resource will now start the next phase of the project with the first pilot tests in different schools. The first demonstration took place on 26 April, during the 10alamenos9 Festival - Barcelona, where the participating students were able to enjoy this immersive virtual experience.

The CSL_ODS project

The CSL_ODS project will use the recordings made during the last few months in the CCiTUB laboratories as an audiovisual resource. With the help of this material, and others that will be developed soon, the contribution of the experimental laboratories in the development of the lines of research that aim to respond to the challenges of the SDGs will be presented in secondary school classrooms. All this with the help of specialized technical staff from the CCiTUB laboratories, together with research staff from the UB and other institutions. In this way, students will be able to understand the great potential offered by scientific research, as well as the specific ways of tackling problems such as climate change, the preservation of terrestrial and marine ecosystems, health, etc.

Instagram: @csl_ods

Twitter: @ccitubdivulga

Project reference: FCT-21-17400

Títle: Core Sustainability Lab: Operación Delta S 2150 (ODS 2150)