Centres Científics i Tecnològics UB

Seminar & demo: "Immune profiling with IRIS 2"

Description Date/Program Registration

● Description

Seminar and demonstration of real-world applications in infectious disease, vaccine and cancer research.

The sensitivity of ELISpot and FluoroSpot enables the detection of rare antigen-specific cells, making them powerful tools for immune profiling and developing targeted therapies. These assays are used to detect and quantify the production of common cytokines, such as IFN-γ, TNF-α and IL-2, providing valuable insights into immune responses at the single cell level.

● Dates/Program

30th November

Location: Aula Fèlix Serratosa | C/ Baldiri Reixac 10, edifici Clúster (Parc Científic de Barcelona)

12:00 - 12:40
• Introduction to Mabtech
• ELISpot and FluoroSpot: assay principle and step-by-step guide
• Case studies on ELISpot and FluoroSpot: Assessing T and B cell responses in infectious disease, vaccine and cancer research
• Q&A

• Analysis and use of Mabtech APEX software

13:00 onwards
• Networking and some light meal

● Registration

Mandatory registration

The registration is free of charge and must be done before 24th November at the following link: registration link.

For any information, please contact with maria.karvouni@mabtech.com.


Centres Científics i Tecnològics
Universitat de Barcelona
Director: Dr. Juan Fran Sangüesa

  Labclinics     Mabtech



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