Centres Científics i Tecnològics UB

Workshop Paralab. Tabletop SEM, Biology and Materials applications

Description Date/Program Registration

● Description

This workshop aims to present the new Phenom range by ThermoFisher Scientific, which features tabletop scanning electron microscopy equipment. These equipment also allow for analysis in less than 1 minute using compact and user-friendly devices that do not require a specialized environment as they are not affected by vibrations. The workshop on the 27th and 28th of June will feature the Phenom ProX G6 equipment.

The workshop will consist of two sessions. The first day will focus on users working in the characterization of biological samples, while the second day will be dedicated to materials characterization.

● Dates/Program

27th June: Tabletop SEM: Revealing Biological Structures
Location: Classroom 16, Faculty of Medicine | Hospital Clínic

9:30-10:30. Introduction to scanning electron microscopy. Signal types and detectors. Characterization of different types of samples. Applications. STEM microscopy.
10:30-11:00. Coffee break
11:00-11:30. Demo sample measurement
11:30-13:30. Attendee sample measurements and question resolution

28th June: Tabletop SEM: Exploring Materials
Location: Nuria Cortadellas Classroom | CCiTUB

9:30-10:30. Introduction to scanning electron microscopy. Signal types and detectors. Characterization of different types of samples. Applications. STEM microscopy.
10:30-11:00. Coffee break
11:00-11:30. Demo sample measurement
11:30-13:30. Attendee sample measurements and question resolution

● Registration

Mandatory registration

Individuals interested in the Biological Sample Workshop: registration link.

Individuals interested in the Materials Sample Workshop: registration link.


Centres Científics i Tecnològics
Universitat de Barcelona
Director: Dr. Juan Fran Sangüesa

  Paralab bio

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