Centres Científics i Tecnològics UB



Launch of GINNA, the nanotechnological gymkhana

The Scientific and Technological Centers of the University of Barcelona, as a node of the Singular Scientific-Technological Infrastructure of Electronic Microscopy ELECMI, launch the didactic project "GINNA-Gincana Nanotecnològica" for primary and secondary students.

The innovative online format chosen offers a fun and close view of the world of electron microscopy and nanotechnology. Through the website ginna.elecmi.es and together with its protagonist Ginna, a young woman capable of changing her size at will, students will gradually delve into the ins and outs of the 'nano world', familiarizing themselves with basic concepts of physics quantum, atomic structure and nanotechnology.

The gymkhana, one of Ginna's proposals, has already been tested in some schools, such as the Terra Nostra d'Olost School, where Dr. Paqui Peiró, Scientific Coordinator of the ICTS Barcelona node, successfully carried out one of the pilot tests within the Nanoiventum program and will be officially launched as a workshop at the VIII Science Festival of the University of Barcelona on May 27 by the CCiTUB microscopists.

A novel online strategy game about nanoscience

The platform foresees two modalities. An online gymkhana, aimed above all at ages between 4th and 6th grade, which will allow students to experiment by observing, measuring and manipulating materials in class. And also, a virtual escape room, aimed at ESO and high school students, which will offer an online adventure against the clock clock to save humanity, in which students will test their visual acuity by going directly into the ELECMI laboratories.

In this way, the project wants to promote observation, teamwork, make visible the role of women in research and encourage future scientific vocations. In addition, thanks to some attractive 360º videos we will be able to meet the scientific staff and the teams of the ELECMI laboratories.

It is a free activity and accessible to anyone via mobile phone, computer or tablet, requiring only an internet connection and thus facilitating its dissemination in areas with fewer teaching resources. Schools interested in receiving training on the project may request their free session by emailing outreach@ccit.ub.edu

"Ginna- gincana nanotecnológica" is a project of the ICTS ELECMI, with the collaboration of FECYT, Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación , and the company Thermo Fisher