Centres Científics i Tecnològics UB

Woman, Life, Freedom: The Revolt in Iran

Woman, Life, Freedom: The Revolt in Iran

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Organized by the CIAS (Commission for Equality and Social Action of the CCiTUB) and as part of the commemoration of November 25, the international day against gender violence, a talk will be held about the latest events in Iran.

The death in the past September of Mahsa Asimi, a 22-year-old woman at the hands of the morality police for wearing a veil wrong, will be remembered. Cristina and Samina will explain us what is happening in Iran and how Iranian women are organizing:

- Cristina Mas, journalist for the newspaper Ara and volunteer for the internationalist movement that is supporting the Iranian women who live in Barcelona and who are protesting every week in Barcelona.
- Samina Esmaeilzadeh, pseudonym of the Iranian fellow who will come to tell us what they are living in the first person.


December 2d, 2022 at 12:00h


Free access, but limited seats available.
It also can be viewed online at: http://www.ccit.ub.edu/directe.html


Aula Núria Cortadellas, Edifici Principal CCiTUB
Universitat de Barcelona
C/ Lluís Solé i Sabarís.
1-3, 1ª Planta
08028 Barcelona

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