Centres Científics i Tecnològics UB



The first Imaging Mass Cytometer in Spain installed in the CCiTUB

As a result of the collaboration between the CCiTUB and the IRB, the first imaging mass cytometry (IMC) equipment in Spain has been installed in the CCiTUB Cytometry Unit, located in the Parc Científic de Barcelona.

This new type of equipment combines the depth of analysis of mass cytometry with the morphological information provided by microscopy. The installed equipment is a Hyperion® system from Fluidigm, which sequentially impacts with a UV laser tiny surfaces on a slide while preserving position information, and introduces the volatilized sample to the Helios® mass cytometer operating in the Cytometry Unit since the beginning of 2020. With this system is possible to visualize, with subcellular resolution, up to 40 markers simultaneously from the same sample and without autofluorescence problems.

This technology is unique for applications such as the study of the interactions between cancer cells and the cells of the immune system directly in a tumor environment, and in general in all those complex systems where it is necessary to combine multiple markers without losing the information provided by the architecture of the tissue.