Centres Científics i Tecnològics UB



The CCiTUB realize the project "Analysis of occupational exposure to nanomaterials in the cosmetic sector"

The University of Barcelona through the Scientific and Technological Centers (CCiTUB) has been awarded by the "Instituto Nacional de Seguridad e Higiene en el Trabajo” to carry out the project entitled "Analysis of occupational exposure to nanomaterials in cosmetic sector" in collaboration with the IDAEA-CSIC and the “Institut Català de Seguretat i Salut Laboral del Departament de Treball, Afers Socials i Famílies”.

The intention is to characterize the exposure to nanomaterials in workplaces of the cosmetic sector, and obtain the physico-chemical characterization of these nanomaterials using microscopy techniques.

The objective of these measures is to manage nanomaterials in the workplace, contributing to improve safety and health of workers involved with these nanotechnologies. So will be possible to obtain a better understanding of nanoparticles issuers in indoor air and to implement strategies to improve this air quality in industrial environments of the cosmetics sector.

Currently the project is in its final implementation phase and is expected to be completed during December.